Has your roof been looking a little worse for wear? Sometimes a few roof repairs can take care of minor issues or damage, but other times an entire roof replacement is in order. Roof replacements are inevitable, but as a large investment for many homeowners, it's nice to extend the lifespan of your current roof as long as possible.
Erdmann Exterior Designs is an experienced roofer servicing Chicago and the surrounding area. We've been in business since 1982, and have repaired, replaced, and installed our fair share of roofing systems! While oftentimes minor issues can be repaired, below are three instances when a homeowner will most likely need to invest in a new roof replacement.
You've Noticed Issues With Your Shingles
Take a look at your roof from every angle, examining the condition of your shingles. Any signs of damage, wear and tear, or old age that you spot when walking the perimeter of your home are indicators that you may need a roof replacement sooner rather than later. Some common issues homeowners may notice with their shingles include:
- Curled Shingles
- Buckled Shingles
- Cracked Shingles
- Missing Shingles
Another area to look to for issues with your shingles is your gutters. Next time you clean out your gutters, pay attention to any small, dark granules accumulating. These are asphalt granules that have washed off your shingles, rendering them much less effective.
Signs of Water Damage Have Begun Popping Up
Water damage isn't just a sign that your roof needs replacing—it's also hazardous for the rest of your home. If left unattended, a water leak can grow in size and begin affecting your electric system or the integrity of your home's framework.
Water leaks can be identified from the inside of a home, typically on the top floor or in the attic. Go upstairs in your own house to see if you're experiencing water damage and look for symptoms like:
- Yellowish-Brown Stains on Ceiling or Upper Walls
- A Strong Musty Smell in the Attic
- Lingering Moisture in the Air
- Mold or Mildew Has Started Growing
Your Roof is Near the End of Its Projected Lifespan
Every roof will need to get replaced eventually, so if it's been a few decades since your last installation, it may be coming up for you sometime soon. Even if you don't remember the exact year you received your last roof replacement, get in touch with the contractor who headed the project and they may have your home in their records.
If you aren't sure when you or the previous homeowners replaced your roof last, or who the contractor was, look to your neighbors for some insight. In developments where houses were all erected around the same time, your home would be due for a roof replacement more or less around the same time as your neighbors. If you've noticed roofers working on houses on your block over the last summer or two, it may be your turn soon!
In Chicago, Erdmann is the team homeowners turn to for elite products, expert installations, and next-level customer service. If this sounds like the kind of experience you want for your next roof replacement, get in touch with our team today. We'll give you a free estimate on a roof replacement, and tell you more about our materials, process, and local business!
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