Now that the New Year has rolled around, you’re probably brimming with an abundance of new goals and possibilities for yourself. Some of those goals may be to exercise more, save money, run a half or full marathon or spend more quality time with your family. That being said, if you’re a homeowner, wouldn’t it also be beneficial to make some resolutions for your home? We’ve gathered a list of the most valuable resolutions every homeowner can make for the New Year.


Downsize & Declutter

Consider the one-for-three rule when getting organized at home. Simply put, for every new item that arrives, three things have to go. For example, before you put any of your holiday presents away, you should fill a large bag of old items you no longer use (such as: clothes, shoes, belts, etc.) for donation to a charity of your choice. Clean out those cluttered closets and drawers to find items to put in your donation pile.

By organizing and cleaning out your attic, basement and/or garage you will also rack up a ton of unused items, which will not only leave those spaces looking much more orderly but provide additional space for new items.


Become Energy Efficient

 Not only does being energy efficient reduce your energy costs, but it also makes you a good patron of the environment. Unless your home was specifically constructed for energy efficiency, you can start reducing your energy bills by adding more insulation. Insulation provides resistance to heat flow, and the more resistance your insulation provides, the lower your heating and cooling costs.

Bring in a qualified home energy auditor to assess your home’s insulation to determine if you could be saving on energy costs. Other ways to becoming more energy efficient are to switch incandescent light bulbs to LED, lower your thermostat while away from home, install low-flow showerheads and unplug unused chargers.


Check for Minor Issues

 Small issues could cost you a lot of money if gone unchecked. Check to see that none of your plumbing is slowly leaking, look for evidence of termite or carpenter ant infestations, scope out any cracks in the foundation and lastly, check for pollutants. The last one is especially important not only as it could save you big on repair costs, but also as it keeps your family safe from invisible threats.

Hiring a professional to check for specific allergens or chemicals, like mold, radon, asbestos and other toxic materials is one way to go about testing your home for general pollutants. You will acquire a cost to have a technician come out and test for this wide range of pollutants, but it’s cheaper than having a mold or asbestos problem, which may not be covered by home owner’s insurance and is costly to remove.


Check Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms

One of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your family and home from fire is to install a smoke detector in your home. If you have one installed make sure to check its functionality, as over 60 percent of all fire-related deaths happen in homes with damaged or missing detectors. Same goes for carbon monoxide alarms. A person can be poisoned by exposure to small amounts of CO over time.

You can also install additional safety devices, such as heat sensors that detect smoke and a rise in temperature. Ensuring that all of your fire detection devices in your home are working properly can not only mean the difference between life and death, but also save you thousands of dollars in fire damage.


Don’t Forget the Outdoors

 Putting a little work into your home’s curb appeal will pay you back for a long time to come – whether you’re planning on selling your home anytime soon or not. Projects such as replacing old fences, weed-filled lawns and paint chipped siding can increase your home’s resale value.

Take re-siding for example, if your exterior is weathered and damaged, or just simply dated, that loss in curb appeal can adversely affect your home’s value. Buyers don’t want to invest in a home that looks tarnished and disheveled. Improving the visual impact of your home will add more money in your pocket in the long run.


Prioritizing your home’s New Year's resolutions will not only help you stay ahead of big repairs and expenses – but also help maintain a healthy, happy and organized home. If you are looking to increase your home’s resale value and enhance the life span and enjoyment you get out of it, contact Erdmann Exteriors. We are dedicated to providing the expertise needed to perform a superior exterior and/or interior remodel.