Like most features on the home, windows age and require replacement after several decades of use. Choosing new windows requires thoughts on functionality, style, and price. In some circumstances, full window replacement might be your best answer. For some homes, refurbishment of existing windows might work.
Replacing Old Windows Means Learning New Lingo
MSN Real Estate provides a simple list of the different windows you might consider during replacement:- Double-hung windows
- Casements
- Double-pane windows
- Mullions
- Tilt-out windows
Deciding on Repairing or Replacing Old Windows
If you've got a home that was built more than 40 years ago (before the 1970s), there's a very good chance that the wood used to construct the windows isn't yet fully fatigued. After the 1970s, home manufacturers and designers started using different materials for windows that haven't stood the test of time as well.Your contractor will discuss things like the age of your home, whether your windows have ever been replaced, and what options you have for repair or replacement. You can see if your old windows are starting to fail by looking closely at the window sill for signs of rot, movement, and moisture.
How You Can Repair Old Windows
In addition to full replacement or repair of windows, sometimes a partial refurbishment might also be the best idea. If the frame of the window is in good shape, your contractor can install a replacement window that preserves most of the frame and replaces the trim.If your home's windows aren't keeping cold or hot weather out of the home, the windows might be in need of some repair. Occasionally, the seals on double-glazed windows fail. In this case, replacing the glass instead of the whole window could save you some money.
Deciding Upon Full Window Replacement
If the frame is in poor condition, bent, or rotted, you'll likely be facing full replacement of your windows. Although this option will increase the budget of your home improvement project, full replacement also offers potential energy savings.The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) suggests that:
Replacing poor-quality windows can save 10 to 20 percent on heating energy.The U.S. Department of Energy also suggests getting a home energy audit performed. They suggest on their site that:
A home energy audit, also known as a home energy assessment, is the first step to assess how much energy your home consumes and to evaluate what measures you can take to make your home more energy efficient. An assessment will show you problems that may, when corrected, save you significant amounts of money over time.
Factors Impacting Cost
If you have a single window on your home that you feel might be past its prime, consider taking a look at the rest of the windows in your home. You might find additional windows that need repair or replacement.Don't Forget: Ask your contractor if there are any tax-credits available for your home refurbishment or repair project. If you choose environmentally-friendly materials or designs, you might be eligible for a tax credit next year.
Check out Benefits.gov to see if your location has any financial assistance available for your home improvement project. You'll also want to investigate the ENERGY STAR options for residential windows.Do your windows let in drafts, make your house look old, or seem misshapen and aged? Contact Erdmann Exterior Designs Ltd for a Free in Home Consultation to find out how we can help you add value to your home through new windows today!
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